Saturday, May 16, 2009

Such Sad News

So as many of you have heard, Digital Candy, as well as the Sweet Tart Shoppe is closing. There is a lot of drama behind the decision of the owners to close the sites, and while I can't say I do or do not support the decision, it's one that deeply saddens me. Digital Candy was my first and only digi scrap home, and I will truly miss everyone from the site.

However! I'm currently involved in a very fun project involving a group of talented ladies (from Digital Candy), to start our own digital scrapping site! I can't give out any secrets right now, but you can be certain, it's going to be a lot of fun! I'll let you know more when I can!

Have a Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Any word on a new 'home' yet? I sure miss your designs, kicking myself for not picking them up, especially Icing, before the whole DC debacle? (I was just so sure it wasn't going to happen, oh well.) Please let us know how you are doing! I keep hoping to run across you at one of the scrap stores. Good Luck in all your ventures!
